The mountain village of Stoos is car-free. Sometimes you still need a cab or transportation.

Cab services are provided by Stoosbahnen AG together with Suter Transport Stoos GmbH.

Reaching an idyllically situated holiday apartment or bringing the luggage of the whole family to the hotel – for these and other situations you can fall back on the services of Stoosbahnen AG and Suter Transport.

  • Transport by train on the Stoos and into the valley

  • A taxi in the village of Stoos

  • Goods transport on the Stoos

  • Goods transport to the Fronalpstock

Announce your transport wishes at least 30 minutes in advance. You are welcome to call us for advice.

Possible payment methods:
  • Cash

  • Twint

Opening hours: Sunday - Thursday from 7 am - 5 pm, Friday - Saturday from 7 am to 9 pm (Taxi service after central closing until last official train ride guaranteed).
Luggage service SBB

If you want to travel carefree without luggage, there are various SBB luggage services available. From "station to door" to "door to station" to "door to door", there are various options. To the offers:

Horse-drawn carriage rides
You prefer it romantic? Book a carriage ride now!
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