
Become part of Stoosbahnen and be close to the exciting developments on Stoos in the future!

The «new» funicular railway has already opened five years ago, this did not affect its fascination and still brings joy to guests from far and wide. Our focus currently lays on the advancement of new projects : this includes the development of the area Maggiweid-Sternegg-Stooshütte, the addition of floors to our parking garage and also the expansion of the infrastructur on Stoos to increase the overall appeal of the whole product «Stoos» in the summer and winter season taking into account the gastronomy and digisation. These projects need additional funds, with which we can co-finance these investions. Participate in this development and benefit from it. We would be happy to inform you about the possibilities in a personal conversation.

Please contact us (see below Contact Shareholders) or send us the completed form below ( ).

The tax value as of 31.12.2024 is CHF 10.-- per share. The security number is: 570-170.
The General Assembly will take place on 18 June 2025, at 5:30 pm.

Contact Shareholders

Tanja Strässler - Administrator Shareholders
Marc Luthiger - Chief Financial Officer

Share purchase

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